Simply click on the upload box on the right to submit a PDF file. Alternatively you can also just drag and drop it there.
After uploading the your file the conversion from PDF to Epub will start immediatelly and should take less than 10 seconds.
After a successful conversion you can download the result by clicking the download button.
EPUB is a great file format for ebooks and is supported by many ebook reading devices. In contrast to PDF, it is HTML based and contains reflowable text. Therefore, EPUB ebooks will render better on your device than PDFs and you will also be able to change the font size according to your needs.
Comparing the EPUB format and PDF, the main difference between the two file formats is the reading experience. While EPUB puts the focus entirely on readability, PDFs essentially behave like digitally printed documents and therefore are static. The main advantage of PDFs is that they can be viewed exactly the same as they were created. However, for mobile readers or other small devices, this can be a disadvantage since the readability may be fair. On the other hand, Epub was entirely created with today’s mobile devices and mind and therefore offers “flowability” which means that the text renders flexible on the screen.
Yes, using our converter for converting PDF to EPUB is always a good idea since it also works for scanned PDFs. At the same time, it is not limiting you to how many files you can convert right now
Yes, our converter is 100% free of charge. You can choose to convert dozens of files. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to create EPUB ebooks from PDF.
If you want to create a great EPUB book out of your own PDF notes, you can totally do that right now. The process is straight-forward and you can get the results really fast. It’s one of the best methods you can use to achieve the results you want and the ROI can be huge for sure. We recommend you to start using our converter if you want to make the process as simple as possible. You will enjoy the results once you created your first EPUB ebook this way!
Convert PDF to Epub here!