REFRESHER ON RESIGNATIONS: What are the practical mechanics of notice periods in South Africa?

labour law in a nutshell July 2019

Resignations have featured in several SA Labour Court judgements and CCMA awards recently. They reveal quite a lot of misconceptions about how the mechanics of resignations are supposed to work. So this is a “back to basics” refresher to remind us how to deal with resignations.

The BCEA on Notice Periods

The starting point is to look at the notice periods for resignation prescribed in Section 37 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (the Act). They are as follows –

  1. one week, if the employee has been employed for six months or less;
  2. two weeks, if the employee has been employed for more than six months but not more than one year;
  3. four weeks, if the employee–
  4. i) has been employed for one year or more; or
    ii) is a farm worker or domestic workerwho has been employed for more than six months.

Q’s & A’s for South African Labour Law on Resignations & Notice Periods:

Section 37 (5) of the BCEA says –

Notice of termination of a contract of employment given by an employer must–

  1. not be given during any period of leaveto which the employee is entitled in terms of the Act; and
  2. not run concurrently with any period of leaveto which the employee is entitled in terms of the Act, except sick leave.

This means an employer may not give notice of termination –

  1. While the employee is off on sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave or family responsibility leave.
  2. Just before the employee goes on annual leave so that the notice period runs concurrently with the employee’s annual leave.

TIP: Employers may consider reviewing their contracts of employment to align with the mechanics of how the law on resignations is applied in practice. This would help to remove any misconceptions which could prove costly when employees tender their resignations.

Deale Attorneys is a specialist labour law firm in South Africa. We assist employers with all kinds of employment contracts and policies and procedures to comply with the law and improve operations. For labour law advice and services concerning notice periods and resignations, contact us today.

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083 375 8771
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Source: Article in SA Labour Law